Wednesday, February 27, 2008

i HATE people who think their better than other people.

Now hes a topic we all can relate too. Stuck up, asshole guys/girls who think their gods gift to this earth. I really love when people say their not stuck up, when in fact they are and flaunt around like they have something (which they don't). There are alot of these kind of people at UE and i just think their really, really funny to watch. They think their so "hott" when in fact, most of the "popular" girls at our school are ugly and fake as hell. I hate how people think their better then everyone just because they have money, and everyone that doesn't is just beneath them. I mean come on, get a life, you are shallow and no one REALLY likes you. I mean you may call me a hypocrite because i posted about how i dislike straightedgers but i don't like them for a reason, and i just don't like the ones who don't follow the guidelines. I wish everyone could just get along and be friends no matter how rich/poor you are. I myself am lucky enough to experience both sides of the matter. My dad is not well off, i mean were not poor but we don't have a lot of money, we don't have cable, we have shitty TVs, we don't go on vacation and we don't have the Internet. My mom on the other hand does have money and a lot of luxuries, flat screen TVs in almost every room, vacations, computers, laptops etc. Now just because my mom has these "great" things doesn't mean that i prefer to go there, i just go where i want regardless of what either parent has or doesn't have. I mean we can all take a lesson in some common courtesy, I'm not perfect, far from, but i don't go around treating people like pieces of shit because i "think" I'm better than them... I mean come on people, get a life, your fake and you need to realize it or your just going to be an empty, shallow person in the future...

phew...i love this blogging stuff.


Sarah said...

WOW!!! So this is a pretty sweet blog! It's great that you can speak your mind because there are so many people (like myself) that share the same opinions as yourself, but we would never have the guts to say what we feel, most people don't. Keep up the good work =)!!

Colin Rambo! said...

Fuck yea man! Some girls/guys really need to rethink how they act and mature up fast!