Monday, February 25, 2008

mass effect.

i have no idea what to write about so ill just blog on a recent game called mass effect. This is a pretty addicting game, and it also brought so cool thoughts to my mind. whats going on exactly in the game is we (the humans) find some sort of hyper speed thing on mars that lets us travel across the universe in just seconds. we meet alot of aliens and theres a council that all aliens are part of. Your trying to find and kill this bad alien who has rebelled and is causing mass havoc around the universe. wouldnt it be awsome if we found something that would let us travel across the universe and meet aliens (if there are any). the funny thing is is that all the aliens in the game speak english (sometimes broken), and how awsome would that be if other life forms spoke our language. i mean imagine being able to hang out with another life form, imagine the storys and other things we could find out from these creatures. Well any way rent/buy mass effect, its realy boring at first but it gets realy addicting when you get passed the boring stuff.

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