Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I think school education is becoming more and more undesirable for some students. The dropout rate is higher than ever and i think its because students are to advanced, technology wise, to keep up with old teaching methods. I think that if teachers used things that involved technology more students would understand certain things. Alot of students would love to have a laptop to be able to write their notes down, because lets face it writing is a hassle and most people can type a hell of alot better than they can write. Teachers should use more things like youtube to help students be able to better relate to certain topics, and use the television and the interwebs to give students visual representations of the topic at hand rather than using textbooks. Also i think alot of students have trouble staying awake and paying attention to alot of the boring things teachers preach/teach, but when a movie comes on or fun projects are presented then students are all ears, therefore these USEFUL methods should be used more often. Also if homeworkd assignments were posted online with the option of sending the completed assignment through the webs, then more students would do so. I know alot of people dont have access to the internet or even a computor and thats why there should be a laptop givin to every student who is in need of one, because if you dont have access to the internet or a computor you wont be getting as good an education or learn as much as someone that does. But yea we need more technology in the classroom because itd help educate students in a way they can relate too.

Looking round' the room i can see that you, are the most beautiful girl in the....room...yea the whole wide room.

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