Wednesday, February 13, 2008

why papa, why!

Dear Diary,

So today I went to the gym, aka courtjester, to get my swell on. I get done and of course what is there right outside the gym that taunts me every day? A papa johns. Well some of you may or may not know that i am currently unemployed and poor as all hell, so i cant afford a papa johns pizza. Why are they so expensive? I mean its like $13 for one large pizza and the pizzas arent even that big! I mean come on papa, your pizza is good, but not THAT good. So basically i sat here depressed because my rents wouldnt buy me a pizza and i was forced to eat leftover hungarian chiken (ethnic ay?). Well theres my rant for the day hope you all liked it..

henry and oglethorp?...not invited is the end of that sentance.

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