Thursday, February 14, 2008

has swearing become acceptable?

Alright so i was thinking about something i could write about and something that came to mind was how swearing now a-days is highly acceptable. I mean back in the old days even when i was a kid if my older brother colin swore he would literally get his mouth washed out with soap and one time at my baby sitters house when i was about 3 i said crap and my baby sitter had the great idea to put hot sauce in my mouth(i now love hot things lol). Now a days you can say Fu** (the god of all swear words) infront of most anybody and it just rolls off them like oil on water. Swearing has become an everyday thing, and even is used in every conversation for some people. I talked to my grandma and she said when she was young even saying crap would get you an after school detention and a parent notification slip. Now teachers themselves are swearing like sailors. I mean is this a good thing? My chorale teacher Mr.gleason says that swearing makes you sound dumb and that if you use those words frequently then you are dumb, but i mean technically people who swear are smarter because we have a broader (although dirtier) vocabulary then those who are too candy ass to let a swear word out once in while. I swear like theres no tomorrow, i mean its just the way i speak, although i dont swear around people like my parents or family due to respect. Did you know that the movie industry is even allowing the word fu** atleast one time per movie in pg-13 movies? I think thats hilarious but at the same time bad, because i hear little kids cursing like its nothing, and that my friends is un-cool. i even yell at my brother when he swears around me and hes 16. have you noticed weve even been creating new words that are derogatory in nature just to spice things up a bit? Is it even possible to make a new swear word because i thought they were all cast in stone when jesus died on the cross or something like that. I think we should implement a swear jar in every class room. If you're not familiar with what a swear jar is its a jar you put money in when you swear, the more naughty the word, the more money you have to put in. I mean we could raise a hell of a lot of money that way because i bet theres a shit load of kids that would love to swear even if it means theyd lose some of their lunch money.

im not crying, nooooooo, theres just a little bit of dust in my eye from the trail that you blazed when you said your goodbye.


Alex is Sexy said...

yeah man, I know this one weird looking kid that says the f word every 3 words he says its kinda weird to explain but I know exactly what you mean.

qno24 said...

i believe swearing is becoming more exceptable. I think it could be good and bad though. I think that it could mean people are becoming less manner based and more relaxed. But that could also be good because being relaxed creates less stress.

lizayouloveit said...

I definitely think swearing has become more acceptable. I remember when I would be so afraid to swear in front of my parents and now if I do it they don't even acknowledge it, like its a non-issue. This was definitely a sweet post Jesse, I totally agree!

missbrightside said...

I think swearing is good, to an extent.

I can swear in front of my mother, but not my father. If I even so much as say 'damn' or 'hell' I get a stern look or yelled at. I feel like I'm more open with my mother because I'm not censoring myself constantly. I don't feel like I'm under as much scrutiny.