Thursday, February 28, 2008

me yelling at

this is a video of me yelling at my moms little purse dog (palmeranian) cooper because i was bored and its kinda cute. Sorry if your affended because i said "you dumb Niger"... and its niger with one g not 2 so i should be fine. plus i have a negro pass, so if theres a problem just ask to see it and we should be all good.

undefined cooper

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

i HATE people who think their better than other people.

Now hes a topic we all can relate too. Stuck up, asshole guys/girls who think their gods gift to this earth. I really love when people say their not stuck up, when in fact they are and flaunt around like they have something (which they don't). There are alot of these kind of people at UE and i just think their really, really funny to watch. They think their so "hott" when in fact, most of the "popular" girls at our school are ugly and fake as hell. I hate how people think their better then everyone just because they have money, and everyone that doesn't is just beneath them. I mean come on, get a life, you are shallow and no one REALLY likes you. I mean you may call me a hypocrite because i posted about how i dislike straightedgers but i don't like them for a reason, and i just don't like the ones who don't follow the guidelines. I wish everyone could just get along and be friends no matter how rich/poor you are. I myself am lucky enough to experience both sides of the matter. My dad is not well off, i mean were not poor but we don't have a lot of money, we don't have cable, we have shitty TVs, we don't go on vacation and we don't have the Internet. My mom on the other hand does have money and a lot of luxuries, flat screen TVs in almost every room, vacations, computers, laptops etc. Now just because my mom has these "great" things doesn't mean that i prefer to go there, i just go where i want regardless of what either parent has or doesn't have. I mean we can all take a lesson in some common courtesy, I'm not perfect, far from, but i don't go around treating people like pieces of shit because i "think" I'm better than them... I mean come on people, get a life, your fake and you need to realize it or your just going to be an empty, shallow person in the future...

phew...i love this blogging stuff.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

girls...way too emotional.

girl are far, far, far too emotional for me too handle. I cannot understand how they can make things that are so small into things that are huuugggeeee... I mean come on girls, get over your selves. I hate how girls say that they hate starting drama when in fact most if not all girls thrive off of it. Also all girls do is complain, whethor it be hair, boys, whethor its raining out side, i mean come the fuck on, chill with that shit and grow some balls (i do mean figuratively of course). I hate how girls play mind games and get us (boys/men/teenagers) confused as hell. Girls can never give a straight answer either, if theres a problem theyll try to turn it into something that it isnt just so they can get out of the issue. I hate how girls get so stalkerish after a while and just wont leave you alone until you explode and yell their heads off. Now i mean not all girls do these things and those are the girls i like to hang around, but i hate girls that think there all that and huge ass box of potato chips ( yes a new analogy). they walk around strutting there stuff thinking there all hott and shit, when in fact, their ugly and wear to much makeup. I mean i like a girl to have a girl who wears makeup and looks nice but some girls take it too far and its nasty. I hate girls who are whores (pardon the vulgarity) and go around and flaunt that theyve had sex with numerous people, or talk about what they did with other people. Also girls have big mouths and cannot keep secrets and when you find out they told someone something they some how turn it around on you and say that "you should have told me not to tell anyone"...i mean come on! of course i didnt want you to tell someone that i cry before i go to slepp...wait what? moving yea, lots of girls are whack, and they need to check themselves..woot woot.peace.

sincerely yours, Jesse

i need a job.

i need a job so bad! i am poor as all hell. i use to work as a telelmarketer until the hours got to strenuous and i was forced to quit. i need to moolah so if you know of anyplace that is hiring or if you could maybe "help a brother out" thatd be great and itd be much appreciated.

Monday, February 25, 2008

drinking age lowered? i say yay..

I would like to cover a controversial topic and maybe get some peoples opinions on the matter at hand... Whats the subject? Lowering the drinking age back to 18. Now there is a lot of good reasons to lower the age and good reasons to maybe even raise the age but I'm going to cover the lowering part. Now I believe that it should be lowered, but there should be stipulations on whether or not you can drink. The government should put forth an alcohol awareness program, much like taking your road test before you can drive by yourself. In order to be able to legally drink you would have to take, and pass this course which would consist of things like drinking while driving, Alcohol poisoning, alcoholism, side effects, benefits, etc. etc. After completing this course you would be able to legally purchase/consume alcohol and drink in bars. If you didn't pass, you would be able to re-take the course, but when failed you cant drink until your 21 or until passed. Also if you abuse the privilege your drinking license would be revoked or suspended depending on the severity of the issue. MOST (not all) kids drink, including myself. I do so very responsibly by not driving under the influence, or getting in a car with someone that has been drinking. I usually drink at friends houses where I can stay the night or I just DD (designated drive) the people who are drinking. Also I believe that if your serving in any branch of the United States military and your under the legal age of 21 you should be given the right to drink. If your old enough to die for your country your old enough to have a beer or 2. Lots of kids aren't responsible enough to drink because they drive while intoxicated, or they do stupid things while drunk. Also alot of things are happening because kids can't drink so they do so unsupervised in woods or when there parents aren't home, which can be very dangerous. If teenagers were aloud to drink at bars then that would eliminate the non-supervision problem and they'd be closer to home. Lots of kids tell their parents that their going to a friends house to hang out when in fact there going to an UN-supervised party at a house, or maybe in the woods which is a bad idea because if something happens then most teenagers wouldn't know what to do.

SO there is my argument...agree disagree let me know and tell me why..I'm all ears.. id love to hear your opinions.

mass effect.

i have no idea what to write about so ill just blog on a recent game called mass effect. This is a pretty addicting game, and it also brought so cool thoughts to my mind. whats going on exactly in the game is we (the humans) find some sort of hyper speed thing on mars that lets us travel across the universe in just seconds. we meet alot of aliens and theres a council that all aliens are part of. Your trying to find and kill this bad alien who has rebelled and is causing mass havoc around the universe. wouldnt it be awsome if we found something that would let us travel across the universe and meet aliens (if there are any). the funny thing is is that all the aliens in the game speak english (sometimes broken), and how awsome would that be if other life forms spoke our language. i mean imagine being able to hang out with another life form, imagine the storys and other things we could find out from these creatures. Well any way rent/buy mass effect, its realy boring at first but it gets realy addicting when you get passed the boring stuff.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

sorry guys.

i wont be posting at all this week because its my dads week and i dont have the webnets there...sorry...